Choose the Fate of Baby Annie

This is the blog about Annie, a college age female, who has an emense intrest in diapers and adult baby play. This is not about nor asscoiated in any way with actual children and is made for adults who share intrest in this fetish only. If you have no intrest in age-play, adults wearing diapers, or BDSM such as spanking this site is not for you please exit now. Other than that, for those of you that care to read on, please enjoy!

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Third post today, over-doing it a little? This actually has nothing to do with my weekend stories but rather I am asking for a little help....

I have found and am very appriciative that some have posted my link on their site or a site they know. However, one site has a rating system. This is dpf for all of you who did not know. Well I know there are only two votes on this site ( but the average of the two has brought my site rating to a 2.5... thats a fair site, one and a half steps away from poor.

So, what I am looking for from you guys is some input. I want you to all like my site and I want to improve it. So please leave comments on what you would like to see, or like to see less of. All comments are welcome. If you do not feel comfortable posting a comment I am always open for emails at . I am really looking to do better job. Thanks for your help!!


  • At 12:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Just voted a rating at dpf...
    Annie, your doing a fine job with this site. A picture would be nice

  • At 11:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I agree, a picture would be nice. But understandable if you don't post one. I am too shy to post any pictures of myself. So I could expect someone else to post something that I wouldn't.

  • At 12:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i still say Baby Annie should be punished and forced to wear diapers for an entire week, and a pleated skirt and least once, while only drinking from a bottle.

  • At 12:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Well Annie, I wouldnt worry about DPF the are an antiquated site and I dont think they kerp up to date very well. Also almost nobdy votes from my experience.
    You are doing a great job I have really enjoyed your stories. It makes me wish so much I could make my wife my little girl But she hates the diapers. For your enjoyment I hope your daddy keeps you his baby for a long time. Keep up the good posts. At least one pic of you, baby or not would be nice as we get to know you.
    Rich Johnson

  • At 9:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Just voted on the DPF site annie. Like everone else here, i believe i picture would be awesome, i mean it always help to place a face wiht a name, or blog for that matter! haha, but like the second person said, I totally understand if you don't wish to be that open. I do love your stories, they are incredible! Well keep up the good work. I think a key to keep a great site is updating. The more often new stuff is up, the more often people will visit. But like you im a college student, an i also work fulltime so i understand how hard that can possibly be. Anyways, that's just my little input. Looking forward to hearing about THIS wkend..



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