Choose the Fate of Baby Annie

This is the blog about Annie, a college age female, who has an emense intrest in diapers and adult baby play. This is not about nor asscoiated in any way with actual children and is made for adults who share intrest in this fetish only. If you have no intrest in age-play, adults wearing diapers, or BDSM such as spanking this site is not for you please exit now. Other than that, for those of you that care to read on, please enjoy!

Thursday, October 13, 2005

School Daze

I know that many of you are curious about my day at school. The thing is, and it is very lucky for me, Friday is my short day. I only have 2 hours of class over the span of 3 hours. I k now most of you are wishing that it was my longest day, but don't worry I have plenty of stories even if they aren't in class. But to get on with the school day....

Once I started walking to my building I could feel the diaper taking it's sweet pleasure in rubbing me as I walk. I have said it before and I'll say it again, Johnny sure knows how to diaper a girl. Funny thing is I am the first thing he's ever diapered in his life. But the way he does it always makes the diaper feel just right, also that I could never forget I was wearing it. So as I walked I swear people must have noticed. The little inaudible sound of crinkling, the slight buldge....I knew no one noticed. However, I couldn't help feeling as if they did. I took my seat, close to the front. I tend to stay awake the closer I am to the front of the class. Then I sat pondering for the next 48 minutes about my diaper. I couldn't believe what I have gotten myself into. I also couldn't believe how horny I was and how horny I was getting just from thinking about my situation. I shifted around in my seat, feeling the soft pillow that surrounded me. It felt wonderful and I was in bliss. But before I knew it the class was over, so much for paying attention.

Since I have about an hour before my next class I decided to head over to the science and engineering library to get a little studying done. I went up to the 3 floor (it's quite there and I like to have my own table) and took a seat by the window. Just as soon as I got all of my things sprawled out....I realized I was in need to use the potty. So, I made my way to stand up and almost started packing up my things (you don't leave valuables like textbooks just by themselves, people steal things) until I realized....I don't have to go to the bathroom. Not only do I not have to go to the bathroom but I also can NOT go to the bathroom. It hit me like a ton of bricks that I must use my diaper. I sat back down and was in a state of shock. I was deprived of a simple adult room that even children over the age of 2 use. Wow...then I started to panic.....I didn't pack an extra diaper! I wasn't going to be able to get changed until I got home!! man, was I in a sticky place. Wearing two diapers and only drinking a small glass of juice before class, I wasn't too worried about leaking. I was worried about sitting in my diaper during class. Like I said before I have never worn a diaper for more than a couple of hours.

I sat there and contemplated my situation. No one was around it was a Friday and still early for that matter. I was getting more and more desperate as time went on. So I decided why delay what will eventually come. I tried to go, but it is harder than you think when you are nervous and a little scared. I tried everything but it just wouldn't come out. Finally I just tried to relax as much as I possibly could and then it came. I swear it sounded as if a dam had broken and the water could be heard through the echo of the entire building. Obviously that is not true, but it was loud. I just let the warmth surround me. It felt good, and my bladder no longer ached. One part of me was still aching for the attention that it never recieved. I scooted my butt around on the chair to possible relieve some pressure that has been built up there. Then I realized what time it was...I needed to head over to my next class.

The nice warmth I had in my diaper soon chilled down as the outside was very cool this day. I walked to my class and the feeling of a weight hanging from my hips made me smile. I quickly go to my class and took a seat. WhenI sat down a felt a small squish. Just a reminder that I was a baby this weekend and am not adult enough to use the potty like other big people. I blushed, I was embarassing my self. I lifted my butt up the tinest bit and then aquished down again. It was fun.

Just becasue I was having fun doesn't mean I still wasn't worried. Trust me I was. My hand was checking the back of my pants every 5 minutes to feel if anything was showing. The people behing me must have thought I really love touching my butt or something. However, I was enjoying myself. And before long my torture in public (for now) was done. So I hopped on my bike and made my way back to my apartment.

As soon as I got inside Daddy was there to greet me with a huge hug. Then he started laughing uncontrolably. My pants slid down during my bike ride exposing about a 1 inch strip of diaper. Not to much that any normal bystander ( I think...and hope) would notice but still enough for me to be mortified!!! Then that started our evening together!

I'll write more later so keep checking back!


  • At 8:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Annie -

    Thanks for the great post, that was seriously so hot!! haha. Sounds like an interesting wkend, can't wait to hear the rest of the story. For the tone of your blog it seems like you'll be a pampered princess much longer! Oh, BTW, what year are you at OSU? Just wondering, anyways great blog, keep us informed we LOVE it, Thanks



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